Examples package

Examples index


Examples.Example48 module

Examples.Example49 module

Examples.Example50 module

Examples.Example50-2 module

Examples.Punto3 module

Examples.Punto6 module

Examples.example1 module

Creation of 2D elements

Coords and gdls (degrees of freedom) are given by a Numpy ndarray matrix.

In the coordinate matrix, each row represents a node of the element and each column a dimension. For example, a 2D triangular element of 3 nodes must have a 3x2 matrix.

In the gdls matrix, each row represents a variable of the node and each column a node. For example, a 2D triangular element of 3 nodes and 2 variables per node (plane stress) must have a 2x3 gdls matrix.

In this example several characteristics are tested:

  • The element creation and transformations are tested over 2 triangular (2D), 2 quadrilateral (2D) and 2 lineal (1D) elements.

  • The isBetwwen methods gives the oportunity to check if a given set of points is are inside a element.

  • The inverseMapping method allows to give a set of global coordinates and convert them to natural coordinates.

  • The jacobian graph allows to verigfy the numerical estability of the element

Coordinate trasformation and shape functions


Serendipity (8 nodes 2D) element coordinate transformation and shape functions.


Quadrilateral (4 nodes 2D) element coordinate transformation and shape functions.


Triangular (6 nodes 2D) element coordinate transformation and shape functions.


Triangular (3 nodes 2D) element coordinate transformation and shape functions.


Line (3 nodes 1D) element coordinate transformation and shape functions.


Line (2 nodes 2D) element coordinate transformation and shape functions.

Point inside element (works in all dimensions)


Test if given points are inside the element.

Jacobian graphs


Serendipity (8 nodes 2D) element jacobian graph.


Quadrilateral (4 nodes 2D) element jacobian graph.


Triangular (6 nodes 2D) element jacobian graph.


Triangular (3 nodes 2D) element jacobian graph.


from FEM.Elements.E2D.Serendipity import Serendipity
from FEM.Elements.E2D.Quadrilateral import Quadrilateral
from FEM.Elements.E2D.LTriangular import LTriangular
from FEM.Elements.E2D.QTriangular import QTriangular

from FEM.Elements.E1D.LinealElement import LinealElement
from FEM.Elements.E1D.QuadraticElement import QuadraticElement

elements = []

coords = [[1, 1], [3, 2], [3.5, 3], [0.5, 4], [2, 1.5],
          [3.25, 2.5], [(3.5+.5)/2, 3.5], [(0.5+1)/2, 5/2]]
gdl = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]])
eRS = Serendipity(coords, gdl)
eRS2 = Serendipity(coords, gdl)

coords = [[1, 1], [3, 2], [3.5, 3], [0.5, 4]]
gdl = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4]])
eRC = Quadrilateral(coords, gdl)

# [[-1.5, -1], [1, 0], [0, 5], [-0.25, -0.5], [0.5, 2.5], [-0.75, 2.0]]
coords = [[-1.5, -1], [1, 0], [0, 5]]
for i in range(len(coords)-1):
    coords += [[(coords[i][0]+coords[i+1][0])/2,
coords += [[(coords[i+1][0]+coords[0][0])/2,
gdl = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]])
eTC = QTriangular(coords, gdl)

coords = [[1.4, 1.5], [3.1, 2.4], [2, 3]]
gdl = np.array([[1, 2, 3]])
eTL = LTriangular(coords, gdl)

coords = [[3], [4], [5]]
gdl = np.array([[3, 4, 5]])
e = QuadraticElement(coords, gdl, 3)

coords = [[3], [5]]
gdl = np.array([[3, 5]])
e = LinealElement(coords, gdl, 3)

# Coordinate transformation
for i, e in enumerate(elements):

# Point inside element
p_test = np.array([1.25, 5.32, 3.1, 3.5, 5.0])
result = e.isInside(p_test)
plt.gca().plot(p_test[result], [0.0] *
               len(p_test[result]), 'o', c='g', label='Inside')
plt.gca().plot(p_test[np.invert(result)], [0.0] *
               len(p_test[np.invert(result)]), 'o', c='r', label='Not Inside')

# Inverse Mapping
z = eTL.inverseMapping(np.array([[1.3, 2.5, 3.5], [1.5, 2.6, 8.5]]))
# z = eTL.inverseMapping(np.array([[1.3],[1.5]]))
# print(eTL.isInside(np.array([3.5,2.5])))

# Jacobian Graphs
for i, e in enumerate(elements):

Examples.example10 module

Examples.example11 module

Examples.example13 module

Examples.example14 module

Examples.example15 module

Examples.example16 module

Examples.example17 module

Examples.example18 module

Examples.example19 module

Examples.example2 module

Geometry creation using triangles. Torsion2D

An I shape section when a unitary rotation is applied.

The input mesh is created using the Delaunay class using second order elements.



Input geometry created using Delaunay triangulations.



Analysis results.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from FEM.Torsion2D import Torsion2D
from FEM.Geometry import Delaunay, Geometry2D

a = 0.3
b = 0.3
tw = 0.05
tf = 0.05
E = 200000
v = 0.27
G = E / (2 * (1 + v))
phi = 1
# Geometry perimeter
vertices = [
    [0, 0],
    [a, 0],
    [a, tf],
    [a / 2 + tw / 2, tf],
    [a / 2 + tw / 2, tf + b],
    [a, tf + b],
    [a, 2 * tf + b],
    [0, 2 * tf + b],
    [0, tf + b],
    [a / 2 - tw / 2, tf + b],
    [a / 2 - tw / 2, tf],
    [0, tf],
# Input string to the delaunay triangulation.
# o=2 second order elements.
# a=0.00003 Maximum element area.
params = Delaunay._strdelaunay(constrained=True, delaunay=True,
                               a=0.00003, o=2)
# Mesh reation.
geometria = Delaunay(vertices, params)

# geometria.exportJSON('Examples/Mesh_tests/I_test.json') # Save the mesh to a file.
# geometria = Geometry2D.importJSON('Examples/Mesh_tests/I_test.json') # Load mesh from file.

# Show the geometry.

# Create the Torsion2D analysis.
O = Torsion2D(geometria, G, phi)
O.solve() # All finite element steps.

Examples.example20 module

Examples.example21 module

Examples.example22 module

Examples.example23 module

Examples.example24 module

Examples.example25 module

Examples.example26 module

Examples.example27 module

Examples.example28 module

Examples.example29 module

Examples.example3 module

Geometry creation using triangles. Torsion2D

An square shape section when a unitary rotation is applied.

The input mesh is created using the Delaunay class using second order elements.



Input geometry created using Delaunay triangulations.



Analysis results.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from FEM.Torsion2D import Torsion2D
from FEM.Geometry import Geometry2D, Delaunay

a = 1
b = 1
E = 200000
v = 0.27
G = E/(2*(1+v))*0+1
phi = 1

# Use these lines to create the input geometry and file
# coords = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1.0]])
# params = Delaunay._strdelaunay(a=0.0001, o=2)
# geo = Delaunay(coords, params)
# geo.exportJSON('Examples/Mesh_tests/Square_torsion.json')

geometria = Geometry2D.importJSON(
O = Torsion2D(geometria, G, phi, verbose=True)

Examples.example30 module

Examples.example31 module

Examples.example32 module

Examples.example33 module

Examples.example34 module

Examples.example35 module

Examples.example36 module

Examples.example37 module

Examples.example39 module

Examples.example4 module

Ordinary diferential equation 1D

The current file ust the general formulation of the EDO1D Class using custom function coeficients.





Analysis results.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from FEM.EDO1D import EDO1D
from FEM.Geometry import Lineal

# Define functions of the diferential equation
def a(x): return (x[0]**2-2)
def c(x): return (x[0]-3)
def f(x): return (x[0]**2-2)*6+(x[0]-3)*(3*x[0]**2)

# Define boundary conditions. List of boundary conditions. In the first node, value=0.0, in the last node, value = 3.0
cbe = [[0, 0.0], [-1, 3.0]]

lenght = 1
n = 500
o = 2
geometria = Lineal(lenght, n, o)
O = EDO1D(geometria, a, c, f)
O.cbe = cbe

Examples.example40 module

Examples.example41 module

Examples.example42 module

Examples.example43 module

Examples.example44 module

Examples.example45 module

Examples.example46 module

Examples.example47 module

Examples.example5 module

Examples.example51 module

Examples.example52 module

Examples.example53 module

Examples.example54 module

Examples.example6 module

Test of point inside volumen (3D elements)

This example creates a 3D Brick element and test if a given set of points are inside the element.

Coords and gdls (degrees of freedom) are given by a Numpy ndarray matrix.

In the coordinate matrix, each row represents a node of the element and each column a dimension. For example, a 2D triangular element of 3 nodes must have a 3x2 matrix.

In the gdls matrix, each row represents a variable of the node and each column a node. For example, a 2D triangular element of 3 nodes and 2 variables per node (plane stress) must have a 2x3 gdls matrix.


from FEM.Elements.E3D.Brick import Brick
import numpy as np

coords = np.array([[0, 0, 0.0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [
    0, 0, 1.0], [1, 0, 1], [1.5, 1.5, 1.5], [0, 1, 1]])
coords2 = coords + 1.5

gdl = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])

e = Brick(coords=coords, gdl=gdl)
e2 = Brick(coords=coords2, gdl=gdl)

domain = e.T(e.domain.T)[0]
domain2 = e2.T(e.domain.T)[0]

points = np.array(
    np.array([[-1, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]]).tolist()+domain.tolist())

r1 = e.isInside(points)
r2 = e.isInside(domain2)

print(r1, r2)
a = 0

Examples.example7 module

Creation of 3D elements

3D Elasticity beam problem using 8 node brick elements.


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from FEM.Elasticity3D import Elasticity
from FEM.Geometry.Geometry import Geometry

E = 21000000.0
v = 0.2
h = 0.6
b = 0.3
L = 2.5
gamma = 23.54

_a = L
_b = h
_c = b

nx = 50
ny = 8
nz = 7

dx = _a/nx
dy = _b/ny
dz = _c/nz

coords = []

for i in range(nx+1):
    x = i*dx
    for j in range(ny+1):
        y = j*dy
        for k in range(nz+1):
            z = k*dz
            coords += [[x, y, z]]

dicc = []

def node(i, j, k): return i*(ny+1)*(nz+1)+j*(nz+1)+k

for i in range(nx):
    for j in range(ny):
        for k in range(nz):
            node1 = node(i, j, k)
            node2 = node(i+1, j, k)
            node3 = node(i+1, j+1, k)
            node4 = node(i, j+1, k)

            node5 = node(i, j, k+1)
            node6 = node(i+1, j, k+1)
            node7 = node(i+1, j+1, k+1)
            node8 = node(i, j+1, k+1)

            dicc += [[node1, node2, node3, node4,
                      node5, node6, node7, node8]]

def fy(x): return -gamma

geometria = Geometry(dicc, coords, ["B1V"]*len(dicc), nvn=3, fast=True)
cbe = []
for i in range(len(coords)):
    if 0.0 == coords[i][0]:
        cbe += [[i*3, 0.0]]
        cbe += [[i*3+1, 0.0]]
        cbe += [[i*3+2, 0.0]]
geometria.cbe = cbe

O = Elasticity(geometria, E, v, gamma, fy=fy, verbose=True)

Examples.example9 module

Examples.example_axial module

Examples.example_cat module

Examples.example_ojo module

Examples.example_ojo_mitad module