AFEM’s documentation¶
Created by Arturo Rodriguez:
Indices and tables¶
A Python FEM implementation.
N dimensional FEM implementation for M variables per node problems.
Use the package manager pip to install AFEM.
pip install AFEM
From source:
git clone
cd FEM
python -m venv .venv
python -m pip install build
python -m build
python -m pip install -e .[docs] # Basic instalation with docs
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Full Docs¶
Using pre implemented equations¶
Avaliable equations:
1D 1 Variable ordinary diferential equation
1D 1 Variable 1D Heat with convective boundary
1D 2 Variable Euler Bernoulli Beams
1D 3 Variable Non-linear Euler Bernoulli Beams
2D 1 Variable Torsion
2D 1 Variable Poisson equation
2D 1 Variable second order PDE
2D 1 Variable 2D Heat with convective boundaries
2D 2 Variable Plane Strees
2D 2 Variable Plane Strees Orthotropic
2D 2 Variable Plane Strain
3D 3 variables per node isotropic elasticity
Numerical Validation:
[x] 1D 1 Variable ordinary diferential equation
[ ] 1D 1 Variable 1D Heat with convective boundary
[ ] 1D 2 Variable Euler Bernoulli Beams
[ ] 1D 3 Variable Non-linear Euler Bernoulli Beams
[x] 2D 1 Variable Torsion
[ ] 2D 1 Variable 2D Heat with convective boundaries
[x] 2D 2 Variable Plane Strees
[x] 2D 2 Variable Plane Strain
Create geometry
Create Boundary Conditions (Point and regions supported)
For example: Example 2, Example 5, Example 11-14
Example without geometry file (Test 2):¶
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Import libraries
from FEM.Torsion2D import Torsion2D #import AFEM Torsion class
from FEM.Geometry import Delaunay #Import Meshing tools
#Define some variables with geometric properties
a = 0.3
b = 0.3
tw = 0.05
tf = 0.05
#Define material constants
E = 200000
v = 0.27
G = E / (2 * (1 + v))
phi = 1 #Rotation angle
#Define domain coordinates
vertices = [
[0, 0],
[a, 0],
[a, tf],
[a / 2 + tw / 2, tf],
[a / 2 + tw / 2, tf + b],
[a, tf + b],
[a, 2 * tf + b],
[0, 2 * tf + b],
[0, tf + b],
[a / 2 - tw / 2, tf + b],
[a / 2 - tw / 2, tf],
[0, tf],
#Define triangulation parameters with `_strdelaunay` method.
params = Delaunay._strdelaunay(constrained=True, delaunay=True,
a='0.00003', o=2)
#**Create** geometry using triangulation parameters. Geometry can be imported from .msh files.
geometry = Delaunay(vertices, params)
#Save geometry to .json file
#Create torsional 2D analysis.
O = Torsion2D(geometry, G, phi)
#Solve the equation in domain.
#Post process and show results
Example with geometry file (Example 2):¶
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Import libraries
from FEM.Torsion2D import Torsion2D #import AFEM
from FEM.Geometry import Geometry #Import Geometry tools
#Define material constants.
E = 200000
v = 0.27
G = E / (2 * (1 + v))
phi = 1 #Rotation angle
#Load geometry with file.
geometry = Geometry.importJSON('I_test.json')
#Create torsional 2D analysis.
O = Torsion2D(geometry, G, phi)
#Solve the equation in domain.
#Post process and show results
Creating equation classes¶
Note: Don’t forget the docstring!
Create a Python flie and import the libraries:
from .Core import * from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Core: Solver
Numpy: Numpy data
Matplotlib: Matplotlib graphs
Tqdm: Progressbars
Create a Python class with Core inheritance
class PlaneStress(Core): def __init__(self,geometry,*args,**kargs): #Do stuff Core.__init__(self,geometry) It is important to manage the number of variables per node in the input geometry.
Define the matrix calculation methods and post porcessing methods.
def elementMatrices(self): def postProcess(self):
method uses gauss integration points, so you must use the following structure:for e in tqdm(self.elements,unit='Element'): _x,_p = e.T(e.Z.T) #Gauss points in global coordinates and Shape functions evaluated in gauss points jac,dpz = e.J(e.Z.T) #Jacobian evaluated in gauss points and shape functions derivatives in natural coordinates detjac = np.linalg.det(jac) _j = np.linalg.inv(jac) #Jacobian inverse dpx = _j @ dpz #Shape function derivatives in global coordinates for k in range(len(e.Z)): #Iterate over gauss points on domain #Calculate matrices with any finite element model #Assign matrices to element
A good example is the PlaneStress
class in the
2D elastic plate theory
Transient analysis (Core modification)
Non-Lineal for 2D equation (All cases)
Testing and numerical validation (WIP)
Reddy. Introduction to the Finite Element Method, Third Edition (McGraw-Hill Education: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Athens, London, Madrid, Mexico City, Milan, New Delhi, Singapore, Sydney, Toronto, 2006).
Jonathan Richard Shewchuk, (1996) Triangle: Engineering a 2D Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator
Ramirez, F. (2020). ICYA 4414 Modelación con Elementos Finitos [Class handout]. Universidad de Los Andes.